
Cosmic disclosure
Cosmic disclosure

cosmic disclosure

Our Primary Topic Headings, Background, Research, Classifications, & Content Management System, Weekly & Monthly Report Platforms We’re glad you are here this begins with you. Each person has more power than we can comprehend. Each human who decides to go down the path of truth and comes into their awakening will affect all other people. The awakening process frees you from control structures and releases you from the fear that keeps you confined to prescribed tyranny. As the collective consciousness begins to awaken en-masse, the previous control and governing structures cannot be effective if they can exist at all. We aren’t going back to the way things were just a year and a half ago, and if you sit and think about it, that’s a positive thing. Many aspects of our lives will begin to shift much more than they have this last year. There will be many changes coming, and it will all feel quite swift and very energetically heavy. The awakening of humanity will be a heavy and tumultuous time on earth. “ To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas ” – Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization. And all of it is a lie.” – Wernher Von Braun, NASA Rocket Scientist “We’re going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens.


It would be simple from there all they would have to do is throw in some ideas on how to “combat climate change,” come up with some catchy slogans about equality and justice, and ensure the safety of all earth’s inhabitants, especially from an ET invader that they will create. Wouldn’t it be much easier to usher in a one-world-government (NWO- New World Order) system into a world where no one trusts their current governments? If that were to happen, they would most likely offer us some pieces of truth and a couple of scraps of technology in order to build trust (we do like our shiny toys).

cosmic disclosure

That being said, this very well could have been the plan from the start. They know that they will have to answer for a multitude of atrocities if they don’t want an outraged and possibly anarchist population. The world’s governments and ruling elite decided eons ago that man wasn’t ready to know about UFOs and ETs now that same controlling global deep state isn’t prepared to face the people they lied to for so long about so many things. This inquisitiveness in the population is needed as a sort of jump start to the process. Once the government comes forth and says they have been lying about this subject, it will cause a cascade effect that will cause people to start asking what else they have been and are currently lying about or covering up. A cosmic disclosure will bring mass amounts of people into the awakening process. There is an immense amount of information out there to sort through and many dots to connect.

cosmic disclosure

The global awakening and cosmic disclosure go hand-in-hand however, this does not mean that you have to wait for the media or the governments to disclose everything before you get curious and begin to investigate and figure out the truth for yourself.

Cosmic disclosure